There is a survey about sex at school published in the
Sábado magazine which says that 11% of the students in high school have already tried sex during breaks and when they don't have classes. The article mentions that it usually happens in the playground, toilets and in some places like behind some buildings and at the gym. I admit that this was a surprise to me. Especially the confessions of some students who talk about having sex without condoms in the school facilities. I thought that some hot kisses and naughty hands were the furthest that you could go with so many people around, but I was mistaken.Our school has got separate toilets and the buildings don't give enough privacy to the couples, so I believe that this only happens in other schools with other types of facilities. However, I would like to know your opinion about this. Again, the discussion over classes of Sexual Education comes to my mind, because I have been facing a lot of ignorance among younger students as far as sexuality is concerned. This week, for example, a young girl told me that kissing a boy was oral sex and it was the only thing they could do at school, because everybody was watching... I couldn't believe my ears. I must say that in the age of information there is still more ignorance than knowledge and we should, as teachers and grown-ups, do the best possible to inform these teenagers and make them aware of the need to have responsible sex and relationships. Parents don't talk about this, in most cases, and teachers think that it's not their business to inform. What do you think? Should children and teenagers grow up like this?...
(picture: cover of Sábado magazine)
it's disgusting to hear that!!
well my opinion... wooowww!! I can'te believe it!! are teenagers so desperate?
I think that actions like that makes people childish! They think they are doing those stuff and then they think they're the best because they're doing something they're not supposed to but this makes them more immature!
How can two people feel comfortable to do such a special and intimate thing in a public place!? I just can't understand what's going throw their minds! And then it's a lack of repect for the other people! It's gross to see a couple doing those things for exemple behind the gym or something... I mean, they must've been caught a hundred times!! That place is not that secret!!
Speaking of the Sexual Education classes, I think that it's a good idea! I mean, I didn't think like that because I thought that people were informed but they just didn't care but it seems that some people aren't that well informed. Although they could learn more about it if they wanted, Sexual Education teachers would definitly open their eyes.
Well, I completely agree with 'misplaced girl'!! Woow! Gross! Yuck!....I mean...youngers are getting obcessed, I don't know what this will become.
Parents are guilty, communications/advertisment are guilty, the society is guilty! And youngers are also guilty. Sex sholud be usually discussed, and without preconcept!(I don't know how to write it)...there's so many informacion everywhere...only stupids don't wanna see it. And unfortunately, the ones who follow the rules and try to be racional end prejudicated by stupid people.
What a stupid society! Is this the future we are preparing??
I had already heard abou some kids in america that did it, to try it, at the age of 11 or 12 or whatever.. I don't agree with it, but I find it more understandable than do it on the high school... One thing is being a kid and don't being informeded about the subject and being curious about try it.. but.. having a lot of information about the subject, having (or should have) a maturity age that should allow them to understand some things, and still do it.. it's absolute stupidity. It just proves how immature they are.
Lol having sex behing the gym like if they were there to smoke or something, is so ridiculous..!
well, we have to see that the main fault of it is the tv, especially the soap operas, that show kids having sex on schools, and that make young people want to imitate them.. *rollseyes*
For example, the other day, my 6 years cousin, asked to her mum:
-"mum what would you think if I missed an english class to have sex?"
-"hum.. well.. you know you will have that subject when you grow up, hum, it will be good, you will learn things there... but you won't have to miss any english class, because Sexual Education and English won't be on the same hour!"
- "no, mum!! I'm not talking about sexual education... I was asking what would you think if I missed an english class to have sex with a boy!!"
- * "funny" expressions on her mum's face * xD "ahm.. hum.. well... ah.. hum.. ...where did you get that idea from?!"
- "well, the other day a girl from "Morangos com Açucar" missed an english class to have sex with a boy, I would like to know what would you think if I did the same!"
...sad, isn't?
The story you told is so funny and at the same time it shows how some kids are growing up... TV shows all types of programmes. it's the parents job to control what they watch and inform their children about the subjects they don't understand. Thank you for your contribution!
Thank you for your point of view! It seems that you know quite well what are the good and bad options!
See you around here soon again!
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