Wednesday, May 09, 2007


This is your space! A space of freedom and possibility. I only have one intention with this post: to give you the chance to publish whatever you want: poems, comments, provocations, questions, thoughts, opinions, advice, suggestions... Talk about the clouds in your spirit or the moments of perfect light!...
(picture from the internet - unkown author)


Alexandre said...
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Alexandre said...

It´s been a while since my last comment... The blog is getting better everyday! The subjects brought are very relevant and the images are well chosen ... Unfortunally there are not a lot of comments... I think the students don´t have enough confidence to write in English... Nevertheless I think that this is an excellent tool to be used by the other teachers to innovate their classes and to improve the level of knowledge of the students in this subject... Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

I'm going to start this post by apologizing myself to prof.Filipa, for haven't write on the blog for the last months..! as I told you before,when you asked, I'm not flatted with you, I'm just having really busy times, and haven't many time to post here.. also my pc had some problems..

anyway.. hum what to say on this topic.. well, I'll use this for ask if someone knows how do english universities work, I mean, what have a portuguese student to do to go to an english university? does it works by averages too? and if so, where can I consult them?

Unknown said...

Raquel, your comments are always welcome! Your question is quite interesting. You can look for information for scholarships and projects that can involve portuguese and english universities and, this way, you can study in an English University. When I was on my 4th year in the university, for example, I received an invitation from the Erasmus project to study in King's College in London for a year, but I know that we can study in England under other projects. I promise to investigate and send you an e-mail with all the information that I can find!

Anonymous said...


and now.. I think today is a special day.. :P
it's teacher Filipa's birthday!! :D


I hope you have a wonderful day, and that you get everything you want ;)

cya **

Anonymous said...



Huge Kiss.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your words!
Hope to see you around here again!

Anonymous said...

The End of school... the longed moment.
But, when finish school, we will have many time to do nothing.
We will, probebly never see our teachers and some friends in holidays, and that is boring and sad.
Good holidays and happy end of school especilly for you teacher Filipa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiss,Kiss,Kiss, and Kisses

Anonymous said...

I taste very of blog! It is very important for us, the pupils, to expremirmos our ideias! They continue thus…

Anonymous said...

The end of school.The cooler day of the year.We will, probably never see our teachers and some friends on holidays, and that is boring and sad.
Good holidays and happy end of school especilly for you teacher Filipa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hello the classes are over we are on holidays. I like being with my friends and I love holidays