And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars" - Nickelback, Rockstar
What is your opinion about addictions? Why do young people sometimes feel attracted to dangerous situations that involve the use of drugs and alcohol? Is it the need to be accepted by the group, is it because they have problems and they believe drugs are a way to solve them, is it because they have a weak character?
I think today's young people consume the drugs, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, to fall into groups of friends, or to forget problems that affect their lives, or by simple habit. We have young people and adults who live in today will base this and if they have not that are able to die with diseases or until they kill! I think that drugs, cigarettes and alcohol, for whom it consumes, is a waste of time in life and is very badly!
My opinion abaut addictions is that are harmful for our health.
The people start smoking because they are influenced by their group.
Teenagers start smoking sometimes because they think it is "funy".
Many teenagers think that to have fun they need to get drunk, smoke drugs this cam cause so many problems because they get oddiated, and dependent on alcohol, drugs and tabacco.
Teenagers have a very different idea of what it is like to enjoy life.
I think that teenagers shouldn´t take drugs because it is dangerous and bad. Drugs lead to dependence and lotter on the violence, crime and even to death.
The first reason for teenagers to start taking drugs is the influence of their friends. They don´t want to be out siders or to feel alone. Young people think that drinking and smoking is fun, helps to relax and forget the stress of schoolwork and personal and family problems.
Drugs make them feel older in spite of bad consequences. addictions affect the immune system and the scool work. Addicitons can make them act in ways they wouldn´t normally act, they don´t have control over their actions.
The first step not to be addicted is not to start!
I think that drugs, alcohol and taking drugs are very bad for everyone, because they affect tehir lives and they provoke death. I think today young people take drugs, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol to feel accepted in the group of friends or to forget problems that affect their lives, or just because it is a simple habit. These addictions become dangerous because they provoke many diseases. So, I think that addictions are very bad for teenagers and other people.
In my opinion addictions are terrible. Teens often start smoking because they have smokers in their family and they feel that smoking is an acceptable habit. Others smoke because it isn't acceptable in their families and they believe they are old enough to make their own decisions. Teenagers normaly drink when they are with a group of friends and they drink, smoke or take drugs for peer pressure. Some teenagers think drinking helps to relax and forget the stress of school work and personal and family problems.
I'm against addictions like smoking, taking drugs and drinking alcohol. They are bad for our health. There are people who want to quit their addictions but they can't. It's very hard to quit. I think people start drinking because they've bad influences. Sometimes, they drink to be "cool" or because they tink that alcohol will make them forget their problems. I think people start smoking because they want to be part of the group. Cigarrettes are getting expensive and people spend most of their cash on that. For me, the worst addiction is drugs. Drugs are illegal in many countries. Drugs are expensive. drugs can make us feel very good and remove the pain, biut they are very harmful for our health. Sometimes, drugs lead to death. Addictions can destroy our life so, my advice is to think better before start smoking, drinking or taking drugs.
Addictions are a terrible thing. It affetcs lots of people. It leads to violence and sometimes to death. Young people start smoking because they don't want to be different or not be part of the group. Getting drunk causes a feeling of happiness but it is just in the moment. After the feeling of happiness that makes us feel good you get a hangover that keeps you down. Drugs have lots of consequences, that harm your health, keep your school work weak and give you a diffewrent way of seeing life. Sometimes, for certain people, taking drugs is one of the few ways that make them feel less alone and away from their problems.
Addictions are a very bad thing. they affect lots of people, cause very bad things like death. Young people start smoking and drinking alcohol because they want to be different and they want to be part of the the group. Getting drunk causes a different way of seeing things. When they are under the effect of drugs or alcohol it can lead to violence. Taking drugs is very bad to health because drugs lead to death. drugs also cause problems in school and work.
I think that it's important not to have bad habits like smoking, taking drugs, drinking alcohol and other things, because they can cause many health problems. Smoking is a habit that often starts when we are young. Many teenagers start to smoke because they want to be accepted by other teenagers or want to look cool. Sometimes they go too far and start taking drugs or getting drunk too often without realizing that they are getting addicted. When teenagers smoke or take drugs, they get more relaxed and outgoing and they think that this helps them with their problems but it only brings serious problems or even death. Teenagers can find other ways to be fun.
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