It's a time of love, peace, reunion, forgiveness, dreams and hopes... People say that it is a time TO GIVE and TO RECEIVE!... I think it is a time to share, but not only gifts... It's time to be with an open heart with the ones we love and to give something to the ones who need... We shouldn't buy Christmas... We should have it in our hearts when we walk in the world...
nowadays christmas is basically summarized to buy a lot of things to offer, receive a lot of things we don't need and that we don't like, smile and say "thanks, this is exactly what I wanted!", get together with family (and pretend we're happy and that we love that banquet with people we don't see more than 5 times per year)and eat cod (yah, that fish that is in danger of exctintion), and be at home because all the places are closed, and all the people are with their own families. Oh, and of course, smile a lot, be nice with everyone, affirm that the only thing we want is peace in the world, and be verrryyy happy because christmas spirit is in the air.
christmas is supposed to be the celebration of the birth of Christ; gifts are given, as symbol of the kindness between humans. But how many people have this in mind? how many no-catholic or catholic-that-never-pray-or-go-to-the-church celebrate this date? Wouldn't be better to depposit an amount of money on a childrens or animals or victims of war fundation, instead of spend it buying useless things?
I don't believe in christ, so christmas doesn't mean really much to me, but I think it may be sad to the ones that really believe, to see this day changed into a commercial holiday.
Welcome back! I missed you!... I know, you have been on holidays! But your words always mean a lot to me!... Your comment about christmas is quite hilarious!... You have made a very accurate social / religious criticism, but, you know, I'm a bit optimistic and I like to believe that people are good and that Christmas is a time of love and understanding. Probably you are more realistic than me...And, yes, I'm very sad when I realise that this time of the year is more commercial than spiritual...
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