"The Earth is not dying - it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses." U. Utah Philips
Who should protect the Earth? How can we contribute to the preservation of our planet? Who are the ones to blame?Are the future generations safe?...
Q-"the people who are killing it have names"
Q-"Who are the ones to blame?"
A- george w. bush!!!
Q- "Who should protect the Earth?"
A- every little person. The future of the earth depends on us, on what everyone will do. We can't just wait to other people to do something, we must do something by ourselves! For example: eat less animals, recycle, clean green spaces, evitate pollution,help animals and people in needing, etc etc
unless we do something, quickly, the future generations are not safe.
I agree with you... The United States are one of the biggest pollutants in the planet and, still, they seem not to care about this huge problem... Shame on you G. W. Bush...
i don't think bush is the only one to blame. if anything, the united states in general is what pollutes, not just the leader. yes, he could take measures to prevent this, but people should fight for that, cause we all know leaders ain't gonna do anything about it by themselves.
of course, it's not just the USA, it's the entire world. how lifestyle has become so frantic that we disregard everything around us, mainly nature. and we're ruining it. it's a shame people don't realise that by destroying nature, they're destroying themselves.
It all starts in each of us... We must all do something, even if it is a bit each day. For instance, why don't we start at our own school! Do students and teachers of our school contribute to the preservation of the planet? Do teachers recycle and separate in the staff room? They have proper containers for the separation, but do they use it properly? Who knows... You should take a careful look inside of it and see what people , allegedly educated, are capable of? If we don't start waking up minds in schools and bringing good habits into our families, who will? So, let's begin a new era in our school... how about the recycling era... That would be a start!
Over the past two decades, environmental degradation, including Earth degradation has continued to increase the levels of poverty and food insecurity. Conversely, more and more people now are aware of the importance of the conservation of the environment. There has been a transformation in people's perception of the poverty problem in developing countries. If one accepts that extreme rural poverty is increasingly a phenomenon associated with homeless people, then new strategies are required to integrate poverty alleviation and environmental management.
However, many people want to help protect the environment but they feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem and don’t know where to begin. Yet, sometimes all it takes is a good idea and a group of like-minded volunteers to put a reusing or recycling project on its feet.
Unless we change many aspects of our daily routines, the world will face unacceptable levels of environmental damage and human suffering.
I think we shouldn´t try to blame... the best option is to analise the problem, and give the best solutions.
As an individual, we can begin by reciclyng our domestic garbage and advice our family and friends to do the same...
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