Wednesday, February 07, 2007


(pictures from the internet - unknown author)

Abortion(dic.): the deliberate ending of a pregnancy at an early stage. A medical operation to end pregnancy at an early stage.

The struggle over the abortion issue has been long and hard.
The heartbeat begins on the 21st day after conception.
Should we have the right to kill someone?...
I believe that abortion is a war on the unborn...
I believe abortion is a crime.

(Click on the title and read more about this issue...)


Anonymous said...

more abortion??? that's stupid, everybody talks, but only one or two really now what are saying. The campain is now more politics that informative... it's a shame....
hey teacher i had been here looooooool

Unknown said...

Zé Artur
I am so happy to see you around here! And I hope you come back with your ideas! You can comment on whatever topic you want. You can even suggest topics for discussion! I'm looking forward to your contribution!

See you!

Anonymous said...

I agree, abortion is a crime indeed... it's already a life that they're killing, a little baby!! how can they?! and even more.. just for selfishism!!! that just revoltes me, it's so unfair, to see in a country, where taxes of birth rate need to grow up, and where there's a lot of people really wanting children and can't have them, and then a lot of bitches and sluts aborting!!

We're on the 21st century, there's no excuse to become pregnant if there's no conditions to create that child, or if the kid isn't wanted... what the hell, pills are free on the health centres!! exist preservatives, next-day-pills... a lot of things... a child mustn't be condemn just because an adult's anresponsibility.... damn, it's a life!!! a person that will have dreams, that can't defend herself...
Aborting is pure cowardice.
There's only two cases where I may agree that aborting must be legal: rapes, and invalid fetus.. and those cases are already legal by the actual law. So what's the problem?! Don't we want to have responsabilities, do we want an easy escape for a stupid act we made?? the story about when the preservative or whatever tear..? do they know about the existence of the next day pill?! or can't they give the children to adoption? there's a lot of people wanting to adopt!
they should liberalize the adoption laws, and not the abortion ones.... an assassination is never a solution.

Unknown said...


"An assassination is never a solution". I couldn't put it better! There are many things available to prevent a pregnancy: condoms and pills and lots of information everywhere. Civilisation is not a synonym of saying yes to a crime...

Everytime you say something, I feel I'd like to know you and your ideas better! You are an inspiration!... and you will be a great citizen one day! I hope you can change the world for the better (or at least give your contribution to improve it a bit!)

Anonymous said...

The "yes" has won....but i will just say this

You shall not kill....the forth commandment of Christianity

Every child deserves the right to live....The rights of the children

think about it

Anonymous said...

well I'm against abortion but I respect the views who support this issue.

I think abortion is the same as killing a child. everyone deserves to live and we shall not forbid babies of born.

it's an issue to discuss better

Unknown said...


I understand the reasons of the ones who say that sometimes it is not the right time to let a child come into this world... However, we should be responsible for our actions and when two people are together, they should think that from that union, from that connection,from the pleasure of a moment a child can be born. There are so many ways to avoid pregnancy that I cannot agree in conscience that we have to wait 10 weeks to kill a baby... This is not civilization. This not a matter of rights. A human being cannot kill another human being just because "I feel like it"...

Keep visiting us and keep speaking your mind!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion no one should make an abortion. The only situation that I consider it acceptable is when there is some sort of deficiency. Still, I think that a child must be wanted, so everyone has to take care and avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Ana Rita 8ºA