(pictures from the internet - unknown authors)
During the past 20 years, obesity among adults has risen significantly in the United States. The latest data show that 30 percent of U.S. adults 20 years of age and older—over 60 million people—are obese. This increase is not limited to adults. The percentage of young people who are overweight has more than tripled since 1980. Among children and teens aged 6–19 years, 16 percent (over 9 million young people) are considered overweight. This problem doesn't affect only the United States. This is a problem for all developed countries, including Portugal. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions. It's imperative to teach healthy habits and make teenagers aware of the health problems that may affect them one day...
I find it hard to believe that in a society like ours where everybody seems to know what's right and what's wrong doesn't see a problem like this....probably it's because what we don't want to see is what is more invisible.
Well it shouldn't be....it's our health at stake here...breaks my heart to see young women eating McDonald's on an everyday basis...it's comming back to haunt them...but I jut can warn them..I can't stop them
hum I'm aware of having some extra pounds, but I like chocolates and cookies too much :P what's better, eat deliciouuuss chocolates and sweets, or don't have extra pounds so other people can think we look good? I choose the first option lol
though I'm not obese, and I think I would try to do something if I became one..
In many cases, the problem are the parents, that don't care with their children's health.. the other day I saw a little girl (she hadn't more than 8 years old), really fat, and eating on MacDonalds, with her parents!! it's really bad when a 17 (for example) person is already obese, because if with that age the body is already that deformed, it will be really difficult to loose the weigh the person needs.. =/
I agree that something must be done, be obese it's really an health problem etc, but I think it's not that easy.. Those people feel like needing to eat, and most of the "non-healthy" food is more appetizing that the healthy one
I think obesity is a problem of the 21st century. This problem can be very dangerous for our health and affects many young people. For this, contributes fast food and advertising.
Joana Almeida 8ºA
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