Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, an addictive stimulant which temporarily improves alertness, memory, and mood, but also forms a strong physical and psychological chemical dependence (addiction). Nicotine, like any stimulant, can also increase anxiety, restlessness, and disturb metabolism. Medical research has determined that tobacco smoking is a major contributing factor towards many health problems, particularly lung cancer (which has a survival percentage of 16.4%), emphysema, and cardiovascular disease. Many countries regulate or restrict tobacco sales and advertising and require warnings to be placed prominently on the product packaging. Many governments now restrict or ban smoking in a variety of public venues. The Portuguese government has recently approved a similar law.It is known that tobacco kills thousands of people every year. It kills more than the total number of deaths from AIDS, car accidents, suicide, murder, fires and accidental poisonings combined.
If we are intelligent human beings we must say that it is time to STOP! Young people must be aware of the dangers and be strong enough to say NO. You don't have to smoke to be "cool". To be cool is to be healthy!
(picture from the internet - unknown author)
I agree, intelligent people doesn't smoke, but if they do that, they are more intelligent if they stop smoking.
I'm one of these people. I've been smoker, during almost ten years, now I don't smoke for 4 years ago, so I'm even more intelligent. Why? Are you asking? Because smoke is a bad thing and why smoking if it is not healthy, and I Know. It's a bit stupid, no?
Ana Paula Mendes
Smoking is bad for our health, beacuse it is toxic and we can get sick or die. There are many people,like students who smoke in the streets and at school too, because they think it is relaxing.
Rebeca, Eduardo e Carlos Miranda 8ºA
Some young people think that smoking is fashion and it gives style, but the majority doesn't understand that it is killing them. Tobacco contains many cancerous substances that are very harmful to the body. The best way to prevent smoking addiction is NOT TO START!
Ana Luisa Fernandes e Luis Sousa 8ºA
Smoking is very dangerous for our health but nowadays several students smoke at the school playground. Students are addicted to smoking because they think it's cool...
Joana Catarina 8ºA
Hello there..On this topic I have one or two things to say
Yes smoking is stupid
Yes it harms the body
Yes it is a filthy habit
This is why young people shouldn't start at all..But older people..there is a problem...back in the 80's,no one knew smoking could kill or that it could be harmfull to the body or that it could be harmfull to those around the smoker...smoking was a fashion thing like wearing jeans and long hair and listen to the Beatles.
These people are so used to having nicotin in their veins running to their brain that they can't stop..and only the ones with strong will can stop...even those still have dreams of smoking or cigarettes after they quit. I know what I am talking about because my father quit smoking...a true story of bravery and strong will.
And to correct a comment..smoking is relaxing....the nicotine goes to the brain causing a state of numbness on some areas that lead to that feel of relaxation.
I don't say that is right...but it is what happens...and if these YOUNG PEOPLE can't see all the dangers that our fathers couldn't see because no one knew about them...well...let them die..some of these young people...if we think..won't be missed...I know it's harsh to say this..but it's the truth...take a look around...which teenagers now smoke?
those that are disrespectful to teachers...are bad mates...and don't have a sense of responsibility...I know because I deal with them every single day
Hi! I am, reading for the 1st time this english blog (oops =S)...
Well, I personaly agree in some points with Pedro's opinion. My father has quit smoking too...he smoked for 30 years and he got so addicted that now, smoking a cigarrette twice a month, is like quitting. He's much better now!...but suffering a lot with the all thing of non-smoker.
Yes, it's true that some years ago the information wasn't like it is nowadays. And it's also true that smokers must feel guilty about the way they kill themselves, and even others too...but let them die? They won't be missed??...Although they have committed a huge mistake, doesn't mean they won't be missed if they die. Everybody is missed and everybody must be valorized no matter what they do.
With this I'm not saying that they have no folt. On the contrary. They are hurting not just themselves..others too, like I said before.
Lots of campaigns are being done, and I think now more than ever...and also now, more than ever, there're smokers everywhere!! It's a great paradox.Kids start normally at the age of 8,'s crazy!...and maybe not that crazy. Because now people aren't so ashamed as they were once. Now people seem to be proud about destroying humankind.
Some are desperate because they try and try to stop..without merit. But others..others like to kill!! I'm being dramatic, I know...but this people need help. They just haven't get that yet.
Inês, thank you for your visit. I like your tolerant view of this subject!
Smoking is a problem that we avoid if we don ´t start smoking. We are two non – smokers and we try to have a healthy life. We are teenagers but we already know that smoking is bad to our health and that we don ´t need to smoke to be cool. In fact we think that smoking is out of fashion. We love sports and we like doing sports and we consider that to be cool is to feel good with our body.
Fábio e Marcelo 8º E.
it's a fact that cigarettes are full of harmful things, and that's why people should opt for joints..
..just kidding!
but actually it's a fact that joints are less harmful than cigarettes.. and they can also help to free minds and make people happier and.. I really don't get why is weed illegal and tobacco not :S
however, the best is to don't be dependent of nothing. To be FREE!
To those who are thinking in start smoking... don't do it. It's awful, believe me. It is really bad for the health, and also for the wallets... have you ever thought in everything you can do/buy with the money that is wasted in tobacco?
Most of the people I know that are addicted to tobacco regret the first day they tried it.. because now they can't stop.. For example, a friend of mine won't go to a festival that he would love to go, just because he doesn't have enough money.. and he doesn't have that money because he spends it on cigarettes :/
anyway.. if you want to smoke.. at least respect the others that don't want to do it.
Well, here I am again but now to tell the world that I'm a non-smoker since the 2nd January 2006. I'm free, I'm green whatever you want to call it fot one year and 3 months but who knows till when... The fact is that I've stopped smoking but I'm almost permanently thinking about the pleasure I had when I smoked and drank my coffee. That was life! What can I say... Don't try it because you can like it, you can enjoy it and then you'll have a problem. It is indeed quite hard to leave this addiction!
Congratulations Manuela, for your contribution! And especially for your example! I think now you have a healthier and happier life! One thing about pleasure: there are so many pleasures around you that I believe you can easily replace the peasure you had while smoking for others! Just imagine the bright in your daughter's eyes, the wonderful sensation of breathing freely amd having clean lungs! These are only some examples!...
See you around here soon again!
Smoking or what we say smoke which leads to many health-related problems and give rise to many social stigma. To begin with, smoking or smoke gives you a strong nicotine addiction, which is harmful to your body. Few health related issue which smoker faces are breathing, losing sense of taste, tiredness etc, and such kind of physical problem.
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