Why do people in general and especially young people have a growing need to be in touch, to communicate, to send messages and be in chat rooms in the internet all the time? When I ask my students about their hobbies, chatting and sending text messages on mobile phones are always on the list! Even the well-known hi5s are a way of being in touch with friends, meeting new people and sending messages. Why do we have such a need, nowadays? What would we do if we didn't have mobile phones or internet anymore? How do you think you would feel?...
I would die if I lost my iPod, but I think I could survive without my cell phone :P
but yeah, it's true, people nowadays are addicted on communication engines. Maybe that's because it allows them to be in touch with people they're far from, and that other way they could barely talk.
Also there's the msn case, that allows you to have many conversations at the same time.. In real life you can't always do it!
well it's true, internet and mobile phones are a huge part of us. for example, sometimes when I have lots of tests, I know I can't come to the internet, but I really feel like I'm "turned off" from the world. Sometimes I wish that for a day, I could switch off computers, internet, mobile phones and even iPods. If people want to eb in touch, just walk a little bit to meet their friends, if people want real music, play it! That's why I really wanted that Gap Year I told you about, I wanted to travell around the world, with my guitar on my back, play 'my' music, make people smile and help the ones that need the most! As I usually say, we should 'feel the peace' more often! :)*
Miss you,*
Kisses and Hugs!
I can't live without technology especialy without my PC and my cellphone
Goodbye teacher!!!
I think I could not live without my phone. I think today and hard living without it !!!=)
Also could not live without my PC without the Internet?!
By: Pedro!!
I think it's impossible to live without mobile phone. I need to be in touch in my girlfriend!
I also need internet because of school work and to do downloads of music and films. I couldn't live without them.
I could live without my phone. But i couldn't live without my mp3 and internet, because i love music and i need the net to do downloads.
I think I couldn't live without my mobile phone, because I need to be in touch with my friends and my girlfriend. But I think that without technologies people would have to get together and it would be funnier.
Now well ABOUT this subject I don't have much to say.People can not live without new technology because they has the need to communicate with each other constantly, I think I was able to spend some time without my mobile but not able to live without my TOSHIBA :p and my net
For hottest Teacher i ever seen
In my opinion technilogies are useful, but I could live without them. I could live without my mobile, but I agree that I need msn to be in touch with many people at the same time!
well.. I dont think communication is an addition.. for me.. an addition.. is the sum of at least two numbers.. for example: 2+2=4
an addition can also be something that is added to something else...
=D =D =D =D
I honestly think it really is an addiction.. and it wont stop.. unless the operators finish the free-messages...but.. thats an addiction that only affects who wants to be affected.. because it is really easy to stop.. if you want to stop it.. just dont answer to the messages like "hi.. how are you?".. and next day tell that person your "stated period to get credit" has finished.. lol.. then you will see how good it is to do your things with two hands.. =) and not with one hand destroying your phone.. because thats what young people do.. destroy it.. and thats why young people buy new phones every years..
so.. free-messages should finish! thats my point on this subject!
kisses x x x
Helder M.
Thank you, Helder, for spotting the mistake! Addiction is the word I meant, indeed! Good point! Hope to see you around here soon again!
I think it's an addiction as alcohol, drogs or something else! I'm not addicted anymore, 'cuz I found out that cell phones can give us cancer, and I lost my internet 4 2 months, so I learnt how 2 live whitout it! ;)
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