Everybody knows that friendship is essential to have a happy life. Teenagers love being with their friends and they usually count on them when they have problems and when they want to share experiences and happy moments.
Tell us about the importance of having friends in your life!
Is it possible to live without friendship?
I think is impossible living without friends. But when I say this, i'm saying that anyone can be our friend, like parents, family... We got to have someone that we can talk to, share our problms and tell our deepest secrets... however, only some people are our friends... colleagues we have loads of, but friends are few...
big kisses...
i think it's impossible living without friendship, because in a teenager's life is very important to have, at least, one best friend that we know that we can count to help us in bad situations, give us advices, and have a good time, doing a lot of funny stuff :D
There are a diffrence in friends and best friends, and the diffrence is that best friends are like brothers or sisters, we know that we can count with theme for everything, and they know that we will help theme to! friend is someone that we trust and are loyal to us, but not compared to best friends, that's why I think friendship is very important
Lara nº 14 9B
I think is impossible living without friends, because with them, i can speak about all subjects, and with my parents this is not possible.However, my family is my best friend. :D
I think it is impossible to live without friendship.
the friendship is the best things in life.
you need someone in whom you can trust, whom we know we can count.
it is good to have friends especially in adolescence, learned a lot with them.
teenager must have someone to talk to and sometimes do not feel comfortable talking about some with their parents need a friend to unburden.
for me the friendship is the cool thing in the world.
joana ines
Friendship is something that everybody likes to have. It's something indispensable in our life. Friendship is like a day without sun, december without christmas! Our life without friends would be terrible... We wouldn't have anyone with we can talk to, joke to and laugh to. I think friends and family are the most important things in our life, because they're them who help us and support us in the most difficult parts of our life...
big kisses...
Friendship is very important in our lives. The friends know how to help us when we are sad. A friend is a person that we can trust, a friend is the best things in the world. Just have someone that we can talk about our problems and to always be laughing with him is very cool.
To me, family is very different from friends ,because in adolescence we can't speak so openly with family like we speak with friends .
Peace and love *
Helena Ferreira Nº7 9ºB
A friendship is something very important in life, it's impossible living without friends!
It's good to have someone that we share the difficult moments and also happy moments..
The friends help us in bad situations and are always present. They give us advices, understand how we feel and we can to undurden with them, because we know we can trust them. We can laugh with them, too.
But there are differences in colleagues or friends and best friend.
The best friend is someone especially to us and never leaves us alone. We can count with him for everthing!
I think that our life without friendship wouldn't have joke.
Flávia Catarina 9ºD
Have friends is the best thing. But we must also choose his friends right. Are the true friends who can always count on them for everything, we know who are trustworthy, you know that you keep a secret, who support us in everything...etc. Know yhat we do not disapoint iran, but will be disappointed if we accept that and try to excuse them, because err humano.
The friendship is very important...because we know that we have friends, we can count on them for everything...for the good and bad moments, and who support us in everything, and never judge us. Is very good to have friends, but friends who are real, not going to talk badly.
Tânia Marques 9ºD Nº26
Friendship is something so magnificent that anyone can't explane what it really means. But i'm shure that we can feel it when someone take care with us and suport us, not only in the bad moments, but also in the good moments. That's why we should enjoy every single moment that this wonderful feeling give us,because this the really meaning of the life.
the friendship is an essential right to life of young people, because if we do not have friends', we have nothing.
for me the friends are very important, without them it would not be the person I am. his friends used to support us, help, welcome, give advice, monitor them and smile with us. for me the friends must be honest, real, confident and above all be the same as our side did not agree with the decision we take. we are not without friends nothing.
ass: tania queiros nº 23 9ºB
the friendship is an essential right to life of young people, because if we do not have friends', we have nothing.
for me the friends are very important, without them it would not be the person I am. his friends used to support us, help, welcome, give advice, monitor them and smile with us. for me the friends must be honest, real, confident and above all be the same as our side did not agree with the decision we take. we are not without friends nothing.
tania queiros nº23 9ºb
The friendship and a very important feeling.
The good friends are those that are not alone at the good moments but also in the hands.
I consider a good friend. I have some good friends but most important for they are the best friends and these are alone two the ones that I can always count.
Marcio nº16 9ºB
friendship is a relatiaship between friends. friendship formed while we were at college. The feeling as relatiaship that friends have.The state ap being friends. Is also something good that we have in am heat. A friend is same one who help us whenever.
We need having is the best thing in the world.
Ricardo nº21 9ºB
Friendship is very important, in my opinion. Good friends can help you and listen to your problems. A good friend is honest and keeps your secret and a good friend makes you smile :) when you are sad :(.
Friendship is very important to me because i need to talk with somebody about my problems.For me, a good friend is someone i can trust and support me when i am sad. My parents are my best friends because they help me when i need and they understand my weaknesses and when i do something wrong.A good friend is not only one who tells us what we think is the correct one, but that tells us what is good for us even if sometimes is not what we want to hear.
big kisses
ass:Joana Gonçalves
9ºB; Nº10
Friendship is one of the most important things in life...if i had no friends i would end up crazy...to me the most important things in a friend are availability,understanding and trust....
peace and love everyone
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