We can no longer live without technology.
I speak for myself. I'm addicted to it. I got hooked! Now I can't live without my mobile phone, my computer, my mp3 player... There is no way I can live without the Internet... It is so useful: I pay my bills, I do research, I buy things, I read the news, I look for information, I watch videos and listen to music, I talk to my distant friends... How did I manage to live before all this technology that surrounds me now? I don't know the answer, but I'm sure about one thing: life nowadays is much more interesting than 15 years ago... I don't know if you agree with me...
What is your opinion?
Hii teacher! :D
I completely agree with you, technologies are so useful and help us with a lot of things. For example, my dad also pays the bills in the internet, we buy stuff in the internet, etc. I am totally sure that the Internet also helped me improving my English. Now I can talk to people from all over the world and practice my English skills, I read stuff in English so my vocabulary extends even more. In my opinion, if people know how to use the technologies for the right things and in the right way, life will be so much better!
(I miss you so much, and I really need to talk to you about my news ;) I think I'll visit you next week or something! and I'm probably going alone, which leads me to another topic I want to talk to you about.)
love you *
Hi teacher,
You´re completely right! Nowadays technology is very important in our everyday life. I couldn´t live without it too! The Internet is one of the examples and it has a big influence on teenagers. It has a lot of advantages: we can communicate with other people even if they are in the other side of the world, we can also pay the bills and a lot of other things. By the way there are some desadvantages but i think we just have to be careful
Huge Kisses to you and to Edgar!
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