I know... Being a teenager is hard! You have so many problems to solve, so many inner-conflicts to analyse, so many options to make... I know!... And I also know that most teenagers care about the way they look. Fashion and style are important, being accepted and admired is essential when you are a teenager.
Am I right or wrong?
(Remember: I've already been a teenager myself!...)
How many times have you considered a radical change in your looks?
Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo or piercing?
What is your style?
Why is body image so important nowadays?
A very polemic issue to talk about, but a really nice one!
Being a teenager is not easy, and we may say that we don't care about our looks or being accepted, but of course we do! It's part of being a teenager (and human being!). I think people should wear what makes them feel confortable with themselves. That is the most important thing.
I've already thought about changing completly my look, but well, I was never that brave to do something completly different, and I think I would regret it the next minute :p
I don't like tattoos that much, and I once wanted a bellypiercing but I'm too scared to get one!
Huge kiss to you and Edgar. *
I hope everything is fine.
Miss you, and love you *
Hi teacher,
I agree with you, being a teenager sometimes is difficult and most of teenagers care about the way that they look! We like to wear fashionable clothes and accessories because it gives us more self-confidence and makes us feel better! I think I have a classic or casual style and the most important thing is to feel comfortable and happy with ourselves!
Big kisses to you and to Edgar!
Big kisses for my two princesses!
You are adorable! :)
Fashion is so important to teens because they want to be seen and recognised as someone very important that everyone wants to be. That's why get tattoos and body piercings! To be part of a group and to copy their celebrities. In my opinion, we should be what we really are. Even if we have some tastes that other people might think awkward, we should be true to ourselves. I never considered having a tattoo or a body piercing because I don't think that is pretty. Otherside, It pains a lot when we do them. I never thought have a radical look change, but I know that my style has changed. Has changed naturally.
Filipa! Thank you to join my Google Friends Connect and my blog. It is nice to see a portuguese blog written in english. I dare I could do it with mine. How about following me at Twitter? You can follow me joining my Twitter application in ProfAvaliação.
Thank you Ramiro!
It's such a great honour to have your comment in my blog!
I'll follow you in Twitter, of course! In fact, I follow what you write every single day! Congratulations for your blog and your work!
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