Friday, November 27, 2009

Cloning - a good and a bad thing...

To talk about cloning is not an easy task. We have risks, we have benefits and we have, of course, our personal opinion.

Cloning is good because it can help infertile people to have babies, it can lead us to the cure of many diseases like cancer and, with cloning, we wouldn´t need to use animals on experiments.

But it is bad because we´re not sure that the proces will be succeessful; clones can be discriminated against and a clone can be stranger than we are.

For me, cloning an entire person is wrong because of discrimination that the clones would suffer but also because we are special because we are different and cloning would change that.

However, I agree with the cloning of organs because this process could lead us to the development of cures of diseases like cancer.

Cristina Correia 11th B nº 12


Beatriz said...

It´s a very good text!
I agree with it, cloning can be a good thing but we are special because we are different and cloning would change that.

Pedro Silva 9º A said...

Very good! The text is good structured and good written.A cloning may have "pros and cons" but the pros are very good for society.

Pedro Silva 9º A said...

Very good! The text is good structured and good written.A cloning may have "pros and cons" but the pros are very good for society.