Education nowadays is the best passport to have a better future!
We have the privilege of studying and working in a lovely place like this one in the picture (Escola Secundária de Lousada) which offers a variety of opportunities to students and tries to invest in the preparation of young people in a wide range of areas... This blog is an example of the effort of investment in the new technologies and in the language of science and communication- the English language! Many scientists, politicians, engineers, doctors, journalists, writers, professors, businessmen and many others need to use this language in their everyday activities. So, keep up with the modern world and study a lot in order to be prepared to face new challenges one day in your future career and give your contribution to society!...
Today, when I hve lunch with my son I sow a chapter of Nody. At Lunch time we saw Nody learn words in English to children. It's a very easy way to pass the same message that you have post here! To people who doesn't like English to much they can watch Nody chapters...
Cláudia, Noddy is a nice cartoon and very young students and children love it! Thanks for participating! Keep visiting us and, if you want, sharing your ideas with the rest of the community!...
I agree with the importance of the english language, but I disagree with the part about the lovely school blah blah blah.
I hate this town and I'm sick of that school, so I won't be here praising it beautiful gardens (especially beautiful to people who suffer from allergies...) and the wonderful gossip practised on this town.
On the other hand, I would move to london right now if I could. Unfortunately I'm still underage, so I'll have to wait some more years on this miserable town..
anyway, I'm tired, so I won't review what I wrote. Sorry for any mistakes I may have made writing this
Dear Raquel,
You seem somehow disappointed with what surrounds you... Maybe you are a bit ahead comparing to the world that is all around. You are a curious, adventurous and intelligent teenager and you believe that there is an answer to all your frustrations in a far away country or place! Your mind is eager to discover new places, different people, amazing cultures that will strike your knowledge of the world and enrich your existence. That is excellent and I hope that one day you may travel and fulfill your dreams! For the time being, study a lot and prepare yourself with the tools that will help you achieve new goals in the near future!... Keep in touch!
hum yeah, I guess so. And thanks for what you said. It just bothers me because I know I don't have to stay here, I could move to a bigger city (Oporto at least) or something, but once I'm still underage and dependent of my parents, i'll have to stay here for more 2years =/
well, at least some of the teachers of our school are pretty cool, and you're such an example of it ;)
So sweet! I'm very happy with your participation in this blog. I hope you tell your friends to visit us and speak out their minds too! See you soon, around here!...
CARLOS, thank you for participating! Keep visiting us!...
English is THE language, actually. It is important as a shcool subject; anyway,its importance lies in the fact that we need it to communicate everyday. After all, we live in a global (almost English)village...(and our favourite songs are sung in English)
Please, SIGN your comment next time, ok? It was a very interesting comment, I must say! I believe that you consider the English language a very important tool for your everyday life! And I totally agree with you! Keep visiting us!...
This is a fantastic IDEA. The English language is very important because we live in a global world. More and more the English language is the first language across regions and countries. All kind of people use it. What can we do? Let´s lesrn it because we can't stop!
Diana, you seem to be a very realistic young girl! English is, in fact, very important, so keep studying and participating in this blog! Hope to see you soon, around here!
To all of you (and specially to Raquel)
First, I'd like to apologize because of my rude knowledge of English, but I don't study it from a long time ago. I spent six years of my life in this school and I left it on 2002. Now I can say that these years were fantastic and decisive. Well, but I didn't use to think like this when I was there. Like Raquel, I used to find out my life boring, my school boring and Lousada very very very boring. Specially on the last years spent on this school, me and my friends used to spend a lot of time dreaming about the future: university, freedom, new (and fashionable) friends, new (and perfect) bigger city. Oporto (or Lisbon, Coimbra, Braga) and independence were the aim. Four years later, I finished my degree on the Oporto University. Four years of hard work, of a very important growing experience. But it was so different from what I imagined. Oporto wasn't that beautiful and peaceful city that I thought it was (living and working there sometimes seems to be like hell). Independence from parents it's good, but with the independence comes the responsibility and I'm sure, Raquel, that sometimes you (like me) won't find it very funny. I don't know if you have ever visited London. Well, I had the opportunity this year. It's true: London is a beautiful and inspiring city. It's perfect, I can say it. But I'm not sure if the people who live and work there (who, for example, have to face that horrible underground everyday) think the same as I do. Experiencing a place with tourist's eyes makes everything better than it really is (even an insignificant village on the lost regions of Portugal offers something "exotic" when we visit it for the first time). Well, what I am trying to say to you, Raquel, is that there are no places in the world that can save us from our frustrations. Run out is not the solution. Wherever we can go, the feeling of "insatisfaction" will always be with us.
About learning English. There is no doubt that it is important. But not only English. French is also important, mostly if you choose cultural studies. Learning languages is essential. I’m learning Italian now, and after that I will start with German, and after that with Latin, and so on… English is indispensable but it’s not enough. Like our teacher said “Knowledge is always something that we should cherish”.
Congratulations for this debating space. It’s always a pleasure to come back to this school that one day was my home too.
Joana S.
Joana... Your words moved me!... I was so happy to know that you are a living example of what I keep telling my students everyday: you can only achieve success through hard work! Your example is excellent to inspire others to follow their dreams because, in the end, dreams may actually come true if you give your best and if you don't give up... You are a very realistic and mature young woman who are also facing the real world and beginning to understand what life is all about... I hope the years that you have spent in our school are good memories to cherish and that they have given you the necessary basis to achieve success. However, as you well know, all that you need is inside yourself: your courage, determination and your intelligence! Congratulations! And keep visiting us! Your contribution is so valuable and welcome! (By the way, your English is excellent!)
Joana, now you say that those 6years you spent on Lousada's high school were fantastic and decisive.. well, I may agree with the decisive part, though I disagree with the fantastic.. 6years in the same school (even more in a boriiiinggg school, in the end of the world) is just too much. 4 would be more than enough.. I'm on my 5th year there, and it really saturates me. I don't even have more patience to study.. It's always the same old routine, the same old faces, the same old school... And I really know I would have so much more opportunities if I lived in a bigger city. I never said Oporto was a peaceful city, I know it isn't, but at least there I could visit art exhibitions on Serralves all the weeks (there's always free ones, on the weekend), I could go to a lot of concerts (Maus Hábitos, Fnacs, hard club de gaia (ok this one is going to close, but it already had amazing concerts there), etc etc), I could go shopping whenever I wanted to (and not have to pick a day for it), I could go more times to the cinema (in Lousada the cinema only works once per month!!), I could find works/part-times easier, etc etc. And I would met more cultured people. In five words: I would live in civilization.
related with what you say about london being perfect, but the people who live there don't think the same way.. Well, I know people that live there. And they like it. Maybe they would like to live in a sunnier country, with beaches.. but that's not a big issue for me. Also my friends who live in London have more opportunities than me. For example, they find their idols on the street!! Some months ago, a friend of mine met MUSE! Living in Portugal, the more I can do is see a concert of them, and not all the years...
And you're also right when you say that experiencing a place with tourist's eyes makes everything better than it really is. I've visited some countries, and i know it has nothing to do with living there; though you can always keep an idea of how it would be. For example, if you go to belgium, you'll see that they take things so easy and how they seem to don't upset with problems! You see them on a huge queue, on the traffic, and they're smiling!! now try to look at the faces of the portuguese drivers on the traffic, and you'll see the difference lol..
About running away.. well I think i give you an idea about why I want to move from Lousada on the 2nd or 3rd paragraph (basicly, more opportunities)
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