Young people keep telling me that they are not completely happy because they don't have FREEDOM... They say that they have almost everything they want: parents who love them, friends, some money, mobile phone, nice clothes, MP3, computer, girlfriends or boyfriends... BUT... They say that they can't do everything: they can't go out everytime they want, they can't buy everything they wish, etc... So, they feel miserable because they can't be FREE! "I just want to be free!"... Is this what you feel too? Why can't there be complete, absolute freedom? What is freedom, anyway?...
I don´t believe that freedom lies in material things... I see freedom as the ultimate responsability. The most genuine form of freedom comes with being independent. You are able to do what ever you want but you´ll suffer the, good or bad, consequences of your acts. Everybody should be free to choose not to drink or smoke...
Alexandre, I totally agree with you... Your message about being free to choose not to drink or smoke is very important, especially for young people. Sometimes adolescents believe that they have to drink or smoke to show that they are free, when it is exactly the opposite: as they are free, they must choose NOT TO BE ADDICTED, not to be dependent on drugs or alcohol! Thank you for your words!
freedom? money, health, and true friends. - it's all a person needs. All those things like mp3s, nice clothes, go to concerts, travel, have a lot of animals.. it's all things that need money to be done. Then you need the health to be able to enjoy it. And then the true friends to help you when you need it, and to enjoy life with you.
basically, this would be freedom. Problems with parents? if you had the money, you wouldn't be dependent on them anymore. With money, health and true friends, you could probably do whatever you want to. And your parents wouldn't stop loving you just because you try to be happy. Or at least they shouldn't. IMHO of course
Dear Raquel,
I think you are mixing two ideas: economic independence and freedom... Freedom is much more than having money to do whatever you want...If you have money (=independence), do you think you are able to do everything? Really EVERYTHING that comes to your mind?... Think about this and tell us... Huge kiss
If I had the three things I refered above (money, health and true friends), yes, I think I would be able to do everything I want.
Nowadays in our present social situation we don´t really have what we call freedom. That´s because as long as we want/need to be connected to a society we have to follow certain rules of behaviour, not only to respect others (and this is accepted) but more than that, we must think, move, dress and talk just like the other members, because if you don´t do this you´ll be an outsider. So for most people it´s more confortable to do as everyone else does sthat is to be a little bit hypocrit living by the rules hiding their thougths but at least living without big troubles...
Paula, you are right about all the restrictions that we have to face in our everyday life... That is the type of freedom that we all would like to have, but without which we all must learn to live... Sometimes teenagers have some problems to understand this... That´s when we, the adults, have to get into action!... Hope to see you around here again with another accurate comment!...
I kinda agree with the things paula said. Actually that reminds me a lot a philosophy test I had last year lol
we live in a free world, we are free to do whatever we want, but things are not so linears... For example, I'm free to drive at 140 kph, but then I know I'll have to pay a fine.. There's always a lot of factores conditioning us, conditioning our freedom.. Like paula said, we can't be completely free if we're living in a society..
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