Hello everybody! I want to leave a suggestion for debate today: "IS THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IMPORTANT NOWADAYS?" Think about this and write your opinion... You study English at school, don't you? So, why is it important to be able to communicate in English? Do you remember any examples in the modern world of work and communication in which you consider English a useful tool?... Leave your opinion and...Keep studying and enjoying yourself!
yes, nowadays english is really important indeed!!
there's a lot a languages all over the world, what can be interesting because it makes part of the culture of each country; or perhaps it would be better if existed just one language for all the human beings.. But if we're able to speak english, we'll be able to make us comprehend everywhere.
I think that everybody should learn this language.
I started learning english because I wanted to understand what my favorite bands were singing, and now it's one of my favorite subjecst at school! It's a shame this is the last year I've got this subject :( [though I can move to london and speak english to the rest of my life :D]
english rulles!
Raquel, I'm very happy to know that one of your favourite subjects at school is English! But you don't need to stop studying English at all. You can keep reading English books and fiction, listening to your favourite bands in English and whenever you go to the cinema you can skip the subtitles of the films and try to understand what you are viewing (probably you do that already!). And during your studies you will have to read a lot in English too, so we can conclude that you don't have to move to London, right? :)
yeap, I already do those things, and I also use the english language in other matters.
However, we can't compare London to Lousada..!
English is an essential tool in the modern society. It´s the global language, which allows the comunicaton between all countries in a code understud by everyone...
Is English vital?
For what reason is English the most chosen language to learn? Undoubtedly it is the language of science, music and films... But above all, it is the language of communication amongst many. It is in fact the language to communicate all over the planet!...
So how come that only a few(like Raquel) are interested? How come that nowadays so many teens are unwilling to feel and learn this lively language? Why aren't they "fiercely" and enthusiastically interested in learning it, in knowing more stuff about it? They know the songs, they see the movies... BUT they don't understand it and they don't speak it. How can this be possible?
Manuela, you are absolutely right... There are many teenagers who haven´t realised the importance of learning English, yet. There are many who, after leaving school, tell me that they regret the fact of not having studied English and learnt more... Sometimes we have to grow up to learn from experience...
yah, I regret that I didn't care enough with the french... English is the main language of the world, yes, but french is also important, and I didn't meet some cool people because I suck on french, and they didn't speak english..
I always had good grades on french, but I hated that, so I never gave a sh*t about study it.. and i regret it now =X
So, Raquel, you are one of those who have learnt from experience! You should have paid more attention to learning French because, as you said , it turned out very useful in some situations... Knowledge is always something that we shoul cherish... One never knows what the future may bring!...
More and more the English language is becoming important in our country because Portugal is a nember of the European Union and we use it in every level from business to tourism.
By learing English and speaking it, we join the global community of the English-speaking countries.
In what tourism is concerned, Portugal is visited by a great majority of English-speaking tourists. In relation to business, 70% of the Portuguese industry works for English trade-marks and with English-speaking countries.
The English language is essential for the communication with those people.
Ana Raquel Teles Ribeiro Nº2 9ºA
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