Fashion models have contributed to the growth in eating disorders among young girls. There is a link between the images of "abnormally thin" models which dominate TV and magazines and the rise of anorexia nervosa and bulimia. It seems that many girls and women become unhappy about their own appearance after reading fashion magazines. Men also look at the bodies of athletes and want to look like them... What about you?
Do you care a lot about your image? Do you feel that you are influenced by fashion and by the patterns that are presented in magazines and on TV? Do we need to feel well with our body in order to feel happy inside?...
the most of the people is highly influenced by what media show us like "perfect" people.. they see those models (for example) and they think that if they are models and if people like them, they're well-payed and appear on the tv etc, is because they are pretty and hot.. so people want to become like them.. and that's wrong..
everyone is the way he/she is, and we don't need to look like models to be happy.. people forgot that most of those models don't have perfect and happy lifes.. most of them live a nightmare, always worried with their look, about not eating much, doing a lot of exercise, prohibited of do a lot of things... and most of them aren't even pretty, and even less hot.
I don't care much about fashion.. I still can think by my own, so if I like something, I do it or wear it or whatever, I'm not going to do it just because it's fashionable... I find awful the way people can't think by theirselves, the way they need someone/something controlling their tastes and telling them what to do.. In my opinion, follow the fashion is lack of personality.
I agree that we need to feel well with our body to feel happy inside, but that doesn't mean that we need to look like models or to be in fashion to feel well. We just need to likes us the way we are, and accept that everybody has defects/defaults [what's the word? :S] (and that's not easy, especially if you're a teenager lol)
For me they only die girls for anorexy because they want, and I find that the fashion not form bush some the people. The model career is a career that any girl liked to follow. Now if it has those that want to be better and pass hunger, is because they want, and I also find that they had despediz them due to weight.
For me fashion is very interesting because it helps us choose our clothes. I don't like to imitate my friends' tastes and I have my own style. My favourite top model is Claudia Schiffer because she is beautiful and famous. I think that modelling is an interesting career but I wouldn't like to be a model because I would have to be extremely thin.
Joana Martins nº14 8ºD wrote the comment above.
I think body image isn't important for our life, because we can live and be happy without a great body. However, I honestly care about my body because I am an athlete and I want to be in good shape!
João Moreira 8º A
Nowadays, models contributed to the growth in eating disorders among girls. There are many people in the world with eating disorders, especially female. People with anorexia think they are fat, they stop eating because they want to be thin.
Sara Valinhas e Diana Oliveira 8ºA
Today people are very influenced by the media and teenagers are the most influenced. They always look up in magazines and in the internet for the latest tendence in fashion and they hate if someone tells them they look 'fat', 'ugly', and they're clothes are old fashion. And that's exactly when it all begins. If they really want to look like models or singers/actresses and other famous people they start some stupid diets without any control and that can end up in the worst situation!
I think that the main problem is that they don't feel happy inside, but in my opinion, those supermodels very tall and thin don't feel happy with their boddy either. They just do it for attention, a moment in the spotlight and being loved by lots and lots of teenagers!
(I hope that you can finally get my coments (: )
Sweet Kisses *
Mariana (instituto)
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